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X- the One Man Show

In 2005 when I dreamed up the idea of using still frames to present the Red Bicycle, I couldn’t fathom the level of detail this required. Since the DP and I went to shoot backgrounds first, where I staged and choreographed the scenes, we needed references for the actors. This was to correctly capture angles, lighting, and sizing; the DP is also known as, “Mr. Portions.”

So to capture the right dimensions, we needed reference shots of every character. This meant, essentially, one person had to stand-in for the entire cast. This honor went to the director. X – the One Man Show is the story of how the film looked through his eyes for all those years of production.

Edited by Joseph Kristjansson
Director of Photography Pavel Belits
Special Guest appearances by Vlad Kaufman and Kipton Tang

Watch the final product: The Red Bicycle