Based on a true story: Cacophony is about one unsuspecting party attendee who is subjected to subtle psychological torment by an undermined noise within the house. A tale of how even the smallest nuisance can reverberate within the disturbed caverns of the mind.
Filmed in August 2017 for the Denver 48 Hour Film Project, Cacophony explores a subject near and dear to me: how we are all making way too many noises without realizing it. Next time you open that bag of chips, or chomp that piece of gum, or slurp soda, look around and see if someone appears immensely distressed; chances are they’re plotting to murder you.
Written & Directed by Joseph Kristjansson
Starring Chris Weathers, Justin Brown, & Sean “Bucky” Kuprevich
With Special Guest Oliver Tasevski
For another adventure in psychological mystery horror: see the 50,000 Mann.